Building a Toy Language Compiler in Go

A follow-up to my previous post about building a toy language interpreter in Go. Throughout this post, I'll be referencing my repo . We'll go over a compiler which translates source code to machine code, and then a VM to execute this machine code. What is a compiler? A compiler takes source code and translates it to executable machine code . (See my previous post for more details.) The figure below shows the high-level architecture of a simple compiler. Like the interpreter we built previously, our compiler has a lexer and a parser which turn our source code into an AST . This is our compiler's frontend . However, that's where a compiler diverges. The compiler may translate the AST into at least one internal representation (IR) . The IR(s) may be represented using any data structure (even another AST!), but they should follow two rules: (1) be easy to produce, (2) be easy to translate into the target machine code. The IR can also be optimized...