My First q Program

I recently wrote my first q program as part of the US Constitution Word Count challenge

It was cool seeing how much terser the q program was than my Java program that did the same thing.

4 lines and 188 characters of q... 
strip:{x except "[]():,;.-0123456789"}
us: strip each lower raze " " vs/: read0`:input.txt
s: desc count each group us except enlist ""
`:solution.txt 0: (key s) ,' "|" ,' (string value s)
and 50 lines and 1067 characters of Java...
import java.util.*;
public class wordfreq {
static class word {
String w;
int c;
public word(String w, int c) {
this.w = w;
this.c = c;
public String toString() {
return w + "|" + c;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
HashMap<String, Integer> freq = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
Scanner s = new Scanner(new File("input.txt"));
while (s.hasNext()){
String str ="[^a-zA-Z ]", "").toLowerCase();
if(!str.equals("")) {
if(freq.containsKey(str)) {
freq.put(str, freq.get(str)+1);
else {
freq.put(str, 1);
List<word> list = new ArrayList<word>();
for (String w: freq.keySet()) {
            list.add(new word(w, freq.get(w)));
Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<word>() {
public int compare(word w, word o) {
return o.c - w.c;
PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("solution.txt"));
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) out.println(list.get(i));
I used the system timer to time the Java code itself, which took 131 milliseconds. 

When I timed the whole Java program (including startup time), it took 503 milliseconds:
real 0m0.245s 
user 0m0.451s 
sys 0m0.052s
I then ran \t \l program.q to time my q program and found that it took 33 milliseconds

When I timed my q program in terminal with time q program.q, it took 47 milliseconds:
real 0m0.063s 
user 0m0.040s 
sys 0m0.007s
This shows that the Java program is both slower and takes more time to load. 

All code in this post is available at

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