tldr: Bayou

Part of the tldr series, which summarizes papers I'm currently reading. Inspired by the morning paper.

Bayou, a Weakly Connected Replicated Storage System [1995]

Terry et. al


Bayou is motivated by providing a storage system for applications that are:
  • Collaborative (conflicting, concurrent activity)
  • Weakly connected (mobile computers with poor network connectivity)
  • Non real-time 
For example, it can support shared calendars. 

In fact, Bayou only requires occasional, pairwise communication between computers. Furthermore, it follows a weakly consistent, replicated data model. Finally, it implements domain-specific, automatic conflict resolution. This allows the system to remain available. 

System Overview 

Applications (represented in the above figure as clients) interact with servers through the Bayou API. Although clients interact with a single server at a time, they can switch between interacting with different servers. Each server has a storage system that consists of an ordered log of writes and resulting data from executing those writes.

The API consists of two operations:
  • Read
    • Data queries
    • Client reads data from server 
  • Write
    • Insert, modify, and delete data
    • Client writes to a server, without waiting for write to be accepted by other servers. 
    • Each write contains the desired updates, information to help server handle any possible conflicts, and a globally unique WriteID that's assigned by the server that first accepted the write.
    • Servers syncs writes pairwise in what the authors call "anti-entropy sessions". Once each pair of servers finish syncing, they have agreed on the which writes are seen and their order. 

Conflict Detection and Resolution

Bayou has two mechanisms to handle conflicts:
  • Dependency checks
    • Responsible for application-specific conflict detection 
    • Before a write operation executes, it calls a dependency check with two parameters: an application-supplied query, and its expected result. 
    • The check reports a conflict if the query doesn't return the expected result. Then, the update is not executed. Instead, the write resolves the conflict.  
  • Merge procedures 
    • Responsible for conflict resolution 
    • Written by application programmers 


Bayou is eventually consistent due to two properties:
  • Writes are executed in the same order on all servers.
  • Conflict detection and resolution is deterministic, so servers resolve same conflicts the same way.
When writes are accepted by a server, they are marked tentative and ordered by timestamp. The timestamps are monotonically increasing at each server. Servers don't need synchronized clocks, but fairly close clocks are preferred. 

Eventually, writes are marked committed and ordered by the time they were committed, and before all tentative writes. A tentative write is committed on a server if it's been executed for the last time by that server. This happens when the set of preceding writes are fixed. Bayou uses a primary commit scheme procedure, where one primary server is in charge of committing. Other servers get the propagated commit. 

Storage System Implementation 

As shown in the above figure, the storage system can be divided into three components:
  • Write Log
    • Contains writes received a server, sorted by global committed/tentative order. 
    • Specifically, contains a tail of committed entries, and all tentative entries.
    • Each server maintains a timestamp vector to keep track of the timestamps of the latest write each server has discarded. 
  • Tuple Store
    • Database of values from executing writes in order.
    • Responsible for processing read requests.
  • Undo Log
    • Rolls back tentative writes that were applied to the tuple store, so they can be re-executed in some other order. 


Bayou tries to handle scenarios where computers communicate through a weak network. It shows that we need ordering even when implementing weak consistency. Finally, Bayou shows us that conflict resolution is more efficient when it's application-specific. 

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