tldr: Chord

Part of the tldr series, which summarizes papers I'm currently reading. Inspired by the morning paper

Stoica et. al


The motivation for this paper is distributed peer-to-peer applications, which can't efficiently locate the node that stores a particular data item. Specifically, Chord supports 1 operation: given a key, it maps the key to a node. 

It uses consistent hashing to balance load, and Chord nodes only needs routing information for a few other nodes. 

Motivation & Context

Chord is a library linked to client and server applications that:
  • Provides a function, lookup(key) --> IP address of node with key
  • Notifies application on node of changes in its set of keys 
The above figure shows an example of an application using Chord.

Chord addresses the following issues:
  • Load balance
    • Chord is basically a distributed hash function that evenly spreads out keys over the nodes.
  • Decentralization
    • Chord is fully distributed
  • Scalability
    • The cost of lookup in Chord is proportional to the log of the number of nodes.
  • Availability
    • Chord automatically recovers to node failures, and adapts to new nodes.
  • Flexible naming
    • There are no constraints on the keys that Chord can look up.


The Chord protocol provides the following guarantees:
  • With high probability, when the Nth node joins or leaves the network, O(1/N) of the keys are moved to a different location 
  • Each node maintains information about O(log N) other nodes
  • Lookup takes O(log N) messages 
  • When a node joins or leaves the network, updating the routing information takes O(log^2 N) messages

Consistent Hashing

Chord uses consistent hashing. The hash function assigns an m-bit identifier to each node and key  using a base hash function. Specifically, a node's IP address is hashed to get the node's identifier, and a node's key is hashed to get the key's identifier. 

Here's how keys are assigned to nodes: 
  • Node and key identifiers are ordered in an identifier circle mod 2^m. 
  • A key is assigned to the first node whose identifier is greater or equal to that key's identifier. This node is called a successor node
For example, in the figure below, the green dots represent the three nodes: 0, 1, and 3. The keys are 1, 2, 6, and boxed. Key 2 is located at node 3 because that's the first node greater or equal to 2. 

Why are identifier circles used? They actually contain the "damage" that happens when nodes enter or leave the network. For example, when a node joins the network, some keys assigned to the new node's successor now become assigned to the new node. No other disruptions occur.

Routing Information

Each node only stores information about only a small number of other nodes, and mostly about nodes closer to it. Let m again be the number of bits in the key and node identifiers. Each node maintains a routing table with at most m entries, called the finger table. The ith entry in the table of node n contains the identity of the first node that succeeds n by at least 2^(i-1) on the identifier circle. That first node is called the ith finger of node n. The figure below shows examples of fingers.

There are two operations that will be important later on:
  • find_successor(id)
    • If a node doesn’t know the successor of a key, it can find another node whose ID is closer to the key.
    • To do this, the node can repeatedly search its finger table for the node whose ID immediately precedes the key, and ask that node for the node that it knows is closest to the key.
  • find_predecessor(id)

Node Joins

In order to preserve the ability to locate keys, Chord preserves 2 invariants:
  • Every node’s successor is correctly updated. 
  • For every key k, the node successor(k) is responsible for k. 
Each node maintains a predecessor pointer that contains the identifier and IP address of the immediate predecessor of that node. Then, when a node n joins the network, Chord: 
  • Initializes the predecessor and fingers of node n 
  • Update fingers and predecessors of existing nodes to take n into account 
  • Notify the higher layer software so it can transfer values associated with keys that node n is now responsible for 

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